Bless you my child for you have sinned. We are all sinners. Although you strive to be a conscious consumer, your sins against the environment are the same sins against your children’s future. For what we, in this western world have done, what we do now, is the legacy we leave behind. The impact of plastix upon all our children is already detrimental. Your children are not just those that you tuck in at night and send off to school. Your children are also the beings of the Land. The plants and animals also depend upon your nurturing and vigilance.
We all have much to learn and be responsible for.
As I set your penance I do so with a heart that is both hopeful and heavy. The Penance I set for you my child is that you watch the complete video The Story of Plastic with your children and face the questions they ask. Do so in the name of all natures children, human and non-human.
Do so in the name of all living things as equals. Go in a million, trillion plastic pieces.
Your Friend, in and out of plastix,
Sister GlitterNullius X
Great penances!
Thankyou my child. Adapting community engagement during lockdown has become increasing important, to engaging with the online world.
Gr8 penance Juundaal Strang-Yettica Sister GlitterNullius