Let’s talk the art… Cementa residency, Kandos, 2021… Juundaal puts her intentions into words… X


Hello again, I hope you’re well, staying safe & staying groovy?

You may or may not know, I’m an emerging artist. Sometimes I describe myself as re-emerging. Either way, I am at the beginning, perhaps some might say, at a time when I’m nearer the end of my life, rather than having my whole life before me. Personally, I don’t much care how old I am or what people might say. What I care about is community. Whether that is my Aboriginal community or any other community. Might even be community of non-humans, their concerns and our human impact upon them. Seems to me, for survival, the Earth and environment, need us to act with urgency and do many things, simultaneously. I think, emapthy is key. Good thing is empathy…

Create NSW generously provided the funding for video production by Justin Hewitson.

Below is a short video, describing the project I undertook for my residency with Cementa, at the WAYOUT Art Space, in Kandos NSW. One of the goals of the project was to deploy my character, Sister GlitterNullius as a conduit for community to identitfy and share their history, relationship and hopes for the future of their town, Kandos. The art is in the character and it is in creating a workshop for a community. More importantly to my work, the art is in, the fridge magnets and what they represent, community coming together, sharing their stories, making new memories in a group that perhaps might not have been configured in another context. The art is not mine, it belongs to the people of Kandos.

I’ll post the longer version, down the track. I might even be brave enough to post the rehearsal video & performance for Cementa’s SPiRiT of 21 online program! I hope you enjoy having a some insight into my practice rationale and intentions. My many thanx again to Create NSW for funding my Cementa residency videos – Game changer & game on! The video work is invalueable to my learning about my own practice and improving my approaches to it.

Thanx for dropping by again.

Juundaal AKA Sister GlitterNullius X

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