It’s all fun and games until everyone loses the planet…

Collaborating Editor: Jesse Tyssen, 2020.

Now that I have your attention…

Come in my children! Come in plastix saints and sinners. Don’t be afraid… I have survived the plastix madness…. You can see what it has done to me and we don’t want it to happen to anyone else now, do we?

Don’t be afraid. Step in…step in, we are all plastix sinners in here. Tell me your plastix troubles, confess your plastix sins to Sister GlitterNullius or Sister Ninny Nurdles…she’s here for you too, amongst the plastix…because of the plastix… It’s all about the plastix and their off-spring…MICRO-PLASTIX! Take a seat and give us your plastic-waste sins…

Your Friend In and Out of Plastix,

Sister GlitterNullius! X

When the plastix madness hits… The Transformation of Sister GlitterNullius.

Editor: Jesse Tyssen, 2020.

Sister Glitternullius is a walking, talking contradiction and hypocrite. She is wise and quiet or loud and trashy. She can be both gentle and sinister, empathetic and fatalistic. GlitterNullius is the personification and representation of the hypocrisy dilemma that is the capitalist, consumerist way of life. Sister Glitternullius is a Dark Nun, the bride and the product of colonisation, capitalism, consumerism and religions such as Catholicism. She is simultaneously ancient and modern.