Sister Glitternullius is a walking, talking contradiction and hypocrite. She is wise and quiet or loud and trashy. She can be both gentle and sinister, empathetic and fatalistic. GlitterNullius is the personification and representation of the hypocrisy dilemma that is the capitalist, consumerist way of life. Sister Glitternullius is a Dark Nun, the bride and the product of colonisation, capitalism, consumerism and religions such as Catholicism. She is simultaneously ancient and modern.
Sister GlitterNullius is empathetic, fun, nasty and pathetic. She understands that you have ‘wants’ like glitter, dental work, pretty, false fingernails because she wants them too. She is part of the plastix madness, a sinner and a saint. However, she will challenge with rhetoric, ‘…so…which turtle or fish or bird have you chosen to drink, eat, choke or swim in this plastix loop you feed?’ She will coo empathy, absolve and condemn simultaneously…slap you with one hand and stroke you with the other!
So…Let us take your plastix confessions… do your plastix penances and your sins will be absolved…Bless you my child. How long has it been since your last plastic sin…?
Lots of Plastix Love From
Sister GlitterNullius!