Alleluia! It has finally arrived! The Sisters of Perpetual Plastix would like to introduce their first collective film experimentation.
Absolution in the age of COVID-19
Today’s stats reveal that Australia currently has 6,713 confirmed cases of COVID-19, half of those in NSW alone. Worldwide we’re bordering on hitting 3 million positive cases, with over 206,000 deaths total, and sadly it just keeps growing.
It’s in times like these that we often doubt our sources of spirituality. Why me and my family? Why am I suffering despite being a strong person of faith?
PSALM 23: The Lord is My Shepherd, I Shall Not Want.
Capitalism is my shepherd and my consumerism means I shall not want.
He maketh me to pursue imported and home grown plastix. I adorn my skin with plastic paint. He maketh me to need, plastic lunch boxes, dental floss and plastic oil cans. He maketh me to lie down in plastic pastures, bath tubs and bed sheets.
He leadeth me to destroy the earth, all living creatures and poison all waters.
He restoreth my soul, keeps me up with the plastic Jones’, David Jones and the Dow Jones. And He leadeth me in the paths of eternal economic growth, for his own capitalist sake.
Ninny Nurdles has a holy experience
BlogWhen we initially explored ideas for using movement and text for a performance, we all assumed we’d have a live audience, a space to utilise and the backing of the Sydney Biennale to support us. When the spread of COVID-19 led to the closure of various locations and the banning of public gatherings, we had to be resourceful and adaptive to how we could continue staging this work with the Sisters.
Sister Ninny Nurdles is born
BlogWelcome. Sister Ninny Nurdles signing in to tell you about what’s been going on, what’s happening currently, and what’s to come before us.
Let’s start from the beginning… The Book of Genesis, page – wait, not that beginning.

Sister GlitterNullius and Sister Ninny Nurdles are two nuns with completely diverse conceptions and backgrounds, brought to you by Kim and Lucas’ project apart of the Biennale of Sydney 2020. For more information on their goals to achieve a Plastic-Free Biennale, click here.
Hence, The Sisters of Perpetual Plastix were born.